4 Powerpoints with various real-life application and tasks to support learning. Information is tailored towards gender, ethnicity and age which were our chosen social groups for the coursework. Additional sources and references in the notes with relevant pass criteria and specification match-up on every slide.
If local to Addenbrookes Hospital, additional support is included.
What’s included:
An Intro to Sociology
Social Institutions
Sociological Perspectives
The Biomedical model and 2 alternatives
Concepts of health…
Contemporary links throughout.
LA.C / task 2 guide as it’s subjective to your local setting.
Unit 10 guide - in student friendly language.
BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 11 - Learning Aim C (Examine how PP are applied in HSC settings) and B (Examine how PP contribute tot he understanding of management and treatment in HSC)
1 powerpoint which contains all of the content for Learning Aim C. Video links in the notes.
6 powerpoints for learning aim B with notes, videos and worksheets included.
Suitable for the old and new assignment brief (Oct, 2018)
2 Psychology taster lessons. One focuses on Attachment types and encourages students to complete a quiz to find out their own. It also included the ‘Marshmallow Test’ by Mischel. The second focuses on Biopsycholgy and labelling the brain.
There are various summer transition packs included.
Roughly 45 minutes, summer preparation booklets compliment these lessons.
Includes 12 lessons for Learning Aim A and 'Physical effects of ageing for Learning Aim C (3 lessons).
Exam question structure - how to answer various question types.
Activities, videos, notes and references included on each slide.
2 handbooks for AQA Psychology and BTEC Health and Social Care which you’ll need to adapt to meet your own departments needs.
‘Nandos’ themed differentiated tasks for Psychology topics.
Independent Record Book template - Students to fill in what activities that are completing in ‘Private Study’ periods and what they have learnt from it.
BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 2 - Learning Aim B and C
Several lessons which walk through all of learning aim B and C and include several independent research tasks to consolidate and apply learning.
Several examples of policies included and a learning aim C checklist.
Revision recap sheets
Exam command word structure guidance.
All Exam questions currently available included.
Unit 5 - Learning aim A and B only.
Includes a coursework guide for both Task 1 and Task 2 which is broke down per criteria into student-friendly language and a SV’d Distinction example.
Summer transition work to be handed out after taster lessons.
Extended Project Qualification
Health and Social Care
All include suitable and relevant tasks to encourage critical thinking and prepare them for the demands of A Levels.
Various lesson which include worksheets and appropriate videos to demonstrate care values and discussion.
Suggested role play script and the observer record sheet for ease.
Updated for the new 2019 assessment.
4 powerpoints which cover all of LA.A, B3 (ethics) and all of LA.C
Support and guidance for the external assessment.
Links and wider reading in the notes.
Various activities for engaging with contemporary research.
Various links for students to use as research.
U4 MOCK and Essay Structure
Exemplar answers
Pre-brief task.
Lessons which cover an intro to the unit B1, B2 and B3.
Safeguarding forms and a safeguarding pocket guide.
Human Rights Acts.
Guide to completing the coursework.
3 powerpoints which include a variety of lessons and activities
Coursework support activities to prepare students
LA.A Brief and case studies are included for ease but are available for free on the Pearson website.
15 interactive lessons for BTEC Tech Award Component 1, Learning Aim A.
15 lessons
Coursework guidance.
Component 1 bundle available (LA.A and LA.B)
Includes 3 powerpoints for all of LA.B content.
Appropriate and factual videos for most areas.
Several real-life scenarios worksheets and activities to complete.
4 PC lesson research projects.
Homework suggestions.
LA.B case studies included and coursework preparation tasks.
Component 1 bundle available LA.A and LA.B - check my shop for a reduced price when buying both learning aims.
This bundle includes all powerpoints, coursework support and revision material to teach the BTEC Tech Health and Social Care course 2017 specification. Elements of this may be useful for the 2023 specification.
Detailed and resourced lessons for all of LA.A, LA.B and LA.C content including a guide for the coursework. LA.D resources are not included (as stated in the title)
SV’d L3D example included and a guide for Task 2 (LA.D).
2 ppts which include all content for LA.A and LA.B
References are made to Cambridgeshire which may need to be altered to your own local area.
References and links in ‘notes’
Unit 8 coursework guide for task 1 and 2 included.
SV’d L3D example included.
Various units included for the L3 HSC Diploma / Extended Certificate award.
Unit 1 - LA.A and LA.C only
Unit 2 - LA.B and LA.C only
Unit 4 - LA.A, B3 and LA.C only.
Unit 5 - LA.A and LA.B only
Unit 7 - LA.B only
Unit 8 - LA.A and LA.B only
Unit 10 - whole unit
Unit 11 - LA.B and LA.C only
Unit 14 - whole unit
Worth £69